Attributes { cris_atrack { String long_name "Along-track index of collocated CrIS observation"; Int16 valid_range 0, 44; Int16 _FillValue -1; } cris_xtrack { String long_name "Across-track index of collocated CrIS observation"; Int16 valid_range 0, 29; Int16 _FillValue -1; } cris_fov { String long_name "Field of view index of collocated CrIS observation"; Int16 valid_range 0, 8; Int16 _FillValue -1; } viirs_gran { String long_name "Granule of collocated VIIRS pixel"; String comment "2 means pixel is from VIIRS granule with same start time as CrIS granule; 1 means previous VIIRS granule; 3 means next VIIRS granule"; Int16 valid_range 0, 2; Int16 _FillValue -1; } viirs_atrack { String long_name "Along-track index of collocated VIIRS pixel"; Int16 valid_range 0, 3247; Int16 _FillValue -1; } viirs_xtrack { String long_name "Across-track index of collocated VIIRS pixel"; Int16 valid_range 0, 3199; Int16 _FillValue -1; } NC_GLOBAL { String title "S-NPP CrIS IMG_COL: Array indices for collocated VIIRS observations"; String project "NASA CrIS L1B Science and Software Team"; String institution "Space Science & Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison"; String processing_level "2"; String Conventions "CF-1.7, ACDD-1.3"; String platform "SUOMI-NPP > Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership"; String platform_vocabulary "GCMD:GCMD Keywords"; String time_coverage_start "2020-12-24T21:54:00Z"; String time_coverage_end "2020-12-24T22:00:00Z"; Float32 geospatial_lat_min 10.1976662; Float32 geospatial_lat_max 34.6386414; Float32 geospatial_lon_min -145.751465; Float32 geospatial_lon_max -119.197983; String geospatial_bounds "POLYGON ((10.31 -138.79, 13.64 -119.50, 34.51 -123.12, 30.72 -145.41, 10.31 -138.79))"; String orbitDirection "Ascending"; String inputs ",,,"; String creator_name "NASA Atmosphere SIPS"; String creator_url ""; String creator_email ""; String publisher_name "Goddard Earth Science Data and Information Services Center"; String publisher_url ""; String publisher_email ""; String license "Freely Distributed"; String product_version "2.0"; String date_created "2020-12-25T07:23:17Z"; String source "cris_l1 2.0.15; viirs_l1 2.0.2; CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS 1.0"; String algorithm_version "crisimg 0.1.13; collopak 0.1.78"; String short_name "SNDRSNCrISL1BIMGC"; String id "10.5067/8ABZCV1TKE8D"; String naming_authority ""; } DODS_EXTRA { String Unlimited_Dimension "colloc_num"; } }