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    • title: S-NPP CrIS IMG: Collocated VIIRS level 1 / cloud mask statistical summary
    • project: NASA CrIS L1B Science and Software Team
    • institution: Space Science & Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison
    • processing_level: 2
    • Conventions: CF-1.7, ACDD-1.3
    • platform: SUOMI-NPP > Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership
    • platform_vocabulary: GCMD:GCMD Keywords
    • time_coverage_start: 2015-11-25T11:24:00Z
    • time_coverage_end: 2015-11-25T11:30:00Z
    • geospatial_lat_min: -73.4709702
    • geospatial_lat_max: -47.6185532
    • geospatial_lon_min: 24.0093956
    • geospatial_lon_max: 77.8365402
    • geospatial_bounds: POLYGON ((-73.28 25.47, -64.71 77.63, -47.63 54.29, -52.54 24.61, -73.28 25.47))
    • orbitDirection: Ascending
    • inputs:,,,,,,,,,
    • creator_name: NASA Suomi-NPP Atmosphere SIPS
    • creator_url:
    • creator_email:
    • publisher_name: Goddard Earth Science Data and Information Services Center
    • publisher_url:
    • publisher_email:
    • license: Freely Distributed
    • product_version: 2.0
    • date_created: 2020-10-30T16:41:54Z
    • source: cris_l1 2.0.15; viirs_l1 2.0.2; CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS 1.0
    • algorithm_version: crisimg 0.1.13; collopak 0.1.78
    • short_name: SNDRSNCrISL1BIMG
    • id: 10.5067/NC505NHFIHCY
    • naming_authority:

viirs_subset[ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Subset of CrIS-collocated VIIRS pixels included
    • comment: All pixels, Clear, Cloudy
viirs_refl_band[ viirs_refl_band= 0 ..10] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: VIIRS reflective band
    • comment: M01, M02, M03, M04, M05, M06, M07, M08, M09, M10, M11
viirs_emis_band[ viirs_emis_band= 0 ..4] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: VIIRS emissive band
    • comment: M12, M13, M14, M15, M16
viirs_cris_band[ viirs_cris_band= 0 ..2] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: VIIRS band with CrIS spectral overlap
    • comment: M13, M15, M16
obs_time_tai93[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: CrIS observation time
    • comment: TAI93 format; epoch is 1993-01-01 0Z UTC; count includes leap seconds
    • units: seconds since 1993-01-01 00:00:27
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000000000
lat[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: CrIS FOV center latitude
    • units: degrees_north
    • valid_range: -90.0000000, 90.0000000
    • standard_name: latitude
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
lon[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: CrIS FOV center longitude
    • units: degrees_east
    • valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
    • standard_name: longitude
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
sat_zen[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Zenith angle to satellite from CrIS FOV center
    • units: degrees
    • valid_range: 0.00000000, 90.0000000
    • standard_name: sensor_zenith_angle
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
sat_azi[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Azimuth angle to satellite from CrIS FOV center
    • units: degrees
    • valid_range: 0.00000000, 360.000000
    • comment: North is 0, east is 90
    • standard_name: sensor_azimuth_angle
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
sol_zen[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Zenith angle to sun from CrIS FOV center
    • units: degrees
    • valid_range: 0.00000000, 180.000000
    • standard_name: solar_zenith_angle
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
sol_azi[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Azimuth angle to sun from CrIS FOV center
    • units: degrees
    • valid_range: 0.00000000, 360.000000
    • comment: North is 0, east is 90
    • standard_name: solar_azimuth_angle
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_count[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Number of VIIRS pixels within CrIS FOV
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999
viirs_cloud_frac[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Fraction of VIIRS pixels within CrIS FOV flagged as cloudy
    • valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_thin_cirrus_frac_refl[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Fraction of tested VIIRS pixels within CrIS FOV flagged with thin cirrus via 1.38\316\274m test
    • valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_thin_cirrus_frac_emis[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Fraction of tested VIIRS pixels within CrIS FOV flagged with thin cirrus via 11\316\274m/12\316\274m test
    • valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_thin_cirrus_test_count_refl[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Number of VIIRS pixels within CrIS FOV tested for thin cirrus via 1.38\316\274m test
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999
viirs_thin_cirrus_test_count_emis[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Number of VIIRS pixels within CrIS FOV tested for thin cirrus via 11\316\274m/12\316\274m test
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999
viirs_daytime_frac[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Fraction of VIIRS pixels within CrIS FOV that are in daylight
    • comment: Daytime defined as in VIIRS cloud mask, solar zenith angle less than 85 degrees
    • valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_refl[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] [ viirs_refl_band= 0 ..10] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Mean VIIRS reflectance within CrIS FOV
    • units: 1
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_refl_sdev[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] [ viirs_refl_band= 0 ..10] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: VIIRS reflectance standard deviation within CrIS FOV
    • units: 1
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_refl_rad[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] [ viirs_refl_band= 0 ..10] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Mean VIIRS reflective band radiance within CrIS FOV
    • units: W/(m2 sr \316\274m)
    • standard_name: toa_outgoing_radiance_per_unit_wavelength
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_refl_rad_sdev[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] [ viirs_refl_band= 0 ..10] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: VIIRS reflective band radiance standard deviation within CrIS FOV
    • units: W/(m2 sr \316\274m)
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_bt[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] [ viirs_emis_band= 0 ..4] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: VIIRS brightness temperature within CrIS FOV
    • units: K
    • standard_name: toa_brightness_temperature
    • comment: Calculated from viirs_emis_rad and VIIRS spectral response
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_bt_sdev[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] [ viirs_emis_band= 0 ..4] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: VIIRS brightness temperature deviation within CrIS FOV
    • units: K
    • comment: Brightness temperature increase resulting from adding one viirs_emis_rad_sdev to viirs_emis_rad
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_emis_rad[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] [ viirs_emis_band= 0 ..4] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Mean VIIRS emissive band radiance within CrIS FOV
    • units: W/(m2 sr \316\274m)
    • standard_name: toa_outgoing_radiance_per_unit_wavelength
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
viirs_emis_rad_sdev[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_subset= 0 ..2] [ viirs_emis_band= 0 ..4] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: VIIRS emissive band radiance standard deviation within CrIS FOV
    • units: W/(m2 sr \316\274m)
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
cris_rad[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_cris_band= 0 ..2] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: CrIS radiance over VIIRS band spectral response
    • units: W/(m2 sr \316\274m)
    • standard_name: toa_outgoing_radiance_per_unit_wavelength
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000
cris_bt[ atrack= 0 ..44] [ xtrack= 0 ..29] [ fov= 0 ..8] [ viirs_cris_band= 0 ..2] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: CrIS brightness temperature over VIIRS band spectral response
    • units: K
    • comment: Calculated from cris_rad and VIIRS spectral response
    • standard_name: toa_brightness_temperature
    • coordinates: lat lon
    • _FillValue: -999.000000

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