Dataset Information

Conventions: CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
source: AIRS instrument telemetry
processing_level: 2
product_name_type_id: L2_CLIMCAPS_RET
acknowledgment: Support for this research was provided by NASA.
standard_name_vocabulary: CF Standard Name Table v28
project: Sounder SIPS
product_name_project: SNDR
geospatial_bounds_crs: EPSG:4326
time_coverage_duration: P0000-00-00T00:06:00
product_name_duration: m06
creator_type: institution
keywords_vocabulary: GCMD:GCMD Keywords
platform: AQUA > Earth Observing System
platform_vocabulary: GCMD:GCMD Keywords
product_name_platform: AQUA
instrument: AIRS > Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
instrument_vocabulary: GCMD:GCMD Keywords
product_name_instr: AIRS
product_name_extension: nc
featureType: point
data_structure: swath
cdm_data_type: Swath
format_version: v02.02.05
title: Level-2 CLIMCAPS AIRS IR-Only
summary: The Level-2 CLIMCAPS product includes atmospheric state retrieval products from the CLIMCAPS algorithm for one six-minute interval. These include temperature and water vapor profiles as well as cloud and surface products and minor gases.
product_group: l2_airs
contributor_name: Christopher D. Barnet, STC; L. Larrabee Strow, UMBC; Philip W. Rosenkranz, MIT
contributor_role: Retrieval PI; Forward Model PI; Microwave PI
history: Created on 2021-02-03 by L2 CLIMCAPS RETRIEVAL PGE at Sounder SIPS: GES DISC 2021-02-03T11:21:29 s4pmops v016 gran=20140710T1229
license: Freely Distributed
date_created: 2021-02-03T11:21:29
creator_name: Goddard Space Flight Center - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
institution: Goddard Space Flight Center - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
publisher_name: Goddard Earth Science Data and Information Services Center
geospatial_bounds: POLYGON ((-88.85 -158.15, -73.60 110.24, -63.88 53.31, -69.88 13.42, -88.85 -158.15))
geospatial_lat_min: -90.0000000
geospatial_lat_max: -63.8750229
geospatial_lon_min: -180.000000
geospatial_lon_max: 180.000000
time_coverage_start: 2014-07-10T12:29:23Z
time_of_first_valid_obs: 2014-07-10T12:29:23.359Z
time_coverage_mid: 2014-07-10T12:32:23Z
time_coverage_end: 2014-07-10T12:35:23Z
time_of_last_valid_obs: 2014-07-10T12:35:22.687Z
creator_institution: Goddard Space Flight Center - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
product_version: v02.39.03
product_name_variant: std
product_name_version: v02_39
product_name_producer: G
product_name_timestamp: 210203112129
granule_number: 125
product_name_granule_number: g125
gran_id: 20140710T1229
geospatial_lat_mid: -70.5727234
geospatial_lon_mid: 39.4530106
id: 10.5067/ILFPVBTDHTDL
identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/ILFPVBTDHTDL
algorithm_version: CLIMCAPS v02.01.00 Aqua AIRS-only
production_host: Linux ac22-local 3.10.0-1160.11.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 18 16:34:56 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
input_file_names: AIRS.2014.07.10.125.L1B.AIRS_Rad.v5.0.22.0.G14192110549.hdf; MERRA2_400.inst3_3d_asm_Nv.20140709.nc4; MERRA2_400.inst3_3d_asm_Nv.20140710.nc4; MERRA2_400.inst3_3d_asm_Nv.20140711.nc4;;; gblav.PGrbF03.140710.06z; gblav.PGrbF06.140710.06z; gblav.PGrbF09.140710.06z; gblav.PGrbF03.140710.12z; gblav.PGrbF06.140710.12z; gblav.PGrbF09.140710.12z; gblav.PGrbF03.140710.18z; gblav.PGrbF06.140710.18z; gblav.PGrbF09.140710.18z
input_file_dates: Unknown; Unknown; Unknown; Unknown; Unassigned; Unassigned; 2014-07-10; 2014-07-10; 2014-07-10; 2014-07-10; 2014-07-10; 2014-07-10; 2014-07-10; 2014-07-10; 2014-07-10
orbitDirection: SouthPole
day_night_flag: Night
AutomaticQualityFlag: Passed
qa_pct_data_missing: 0.00000000
qa_pct_data_geo: 100.000000
qa_pct_data_sci_mode: 100.000000
qa_no_data: FALSE

Variables in this Dataset

obs_id: Array of Strings [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
long_name: earth view observation id for FOR
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
description: unique earth view observation identifier: yyyymmddThhmm.aaExx. Includes gran_id plus 2-digit along-track index (01-45) and 2-digit cross-track index (01-30).
fov_obs_id: Array of Strings [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
long_name: earth view observation id for FOV
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
description: unique earth view observation identifier for FOV: yyyymmddThhmm.aaExx.f . Includes gran_id plus 2-digit along-track index (01-45), 2-digit cross-track index (01-30), and 1-digit FOV number (1-9).
obs_time_tai93: Array of 64 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: -2934835217.000000, 3376598410.000000
long_name: earth view FOV midtime
_FillValue: 9.969209968386869e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 1993-01-01 00:00
description: earth view observation midtime for each FOV
AIRS_HDF_name: Time
obs_time_utc: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][utc_tuple = 0..7]
long_name: earth view UTC FOV time
coordinates: utc_tuple_lbl
_FillValue: 65535
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
description: UTC earth view observation time as an array of integers: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisec, microsec
lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: -90.0000000, 90.0000000
long_name: FOR latitude
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
bounds: lat_bnds
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
description: latitude of FOR center
AIRS_HDF_name: Latitude
lat_geoid: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: -90.0000000, 90.0000000
long_name: FOR latitude
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
description: latitude of FOR center on the geoid (without terrain correction)
fov_lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
valid_range: -90.0000000, 90.0000000
long_name: FOV latitude
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
bounds: fov_lat_bnds
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
description: latitude of FOV center
lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
long_name: FOR longitude
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
bounds: lon_bnds
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
description: longitude of FOR center
AIRS_HDF_name: Longitude
lon_geoid: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
long_name: FOR longitude
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
description: longitude of FOR center on the geoid (without terrain correction)
fov_lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
long_name: FOV longitude
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
bounds: fov_lon_bnds
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
description: longitude of FOV center
lat_bnds: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov_poly = 0..7]
valid_range: -90.0000000, 90.0000000
long_name: FOV boundary latitudes
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: degrees_north
description: latitudes of points forming a polygon around the perimeter of the FOV
fov_lat_bnds: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][fov_poly = 0..7]
valid_range: -90.0000000, 90.0000000
long_name: FOV boundary latitudes
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: degrees_north
description: latitudes of points forming a polygon around the perimeter of the FOV
lon_bnds: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov_poly = 0..7]
valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
long_name: FOV boundary longitudes
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: degrees_east
description: longitudes of points forming a polygon around the perimeter of the FOV
fov_lon_bnds: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][fov_poly = 0..7]
valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
long_name: FOV boundary longitudes
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: degrees_east
description: longitudes of points forming a polygon around the perimeter of the FOV
land_frac: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
long_name: FOR land fraction
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: land_area_fraction
units: 1
description: land fraction over the FOR
AIRS_HDF_name: landFrac
cell_methods: area: mean (beam-weighted)
fov_land_frac: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
long_name: FOV land fraction
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: land_area_fraction
units: 1
description: land fraction over the FOV
cell_methods: area: mean (beam-weighted)
surf_alt: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: surf_alt_sdev
valid_range: -500.000000, 10000.0000
long_name: FOR surface altitude
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: surface_altitude
units: m
description: mean surface altitude wrt earth model over the FOR
AIRS_HDF_name: topog
cell_methods: area: mean (beam-weighted)
fov_surf_alt: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
ancillary_variables: surf_alt_sdev
valid_range: -500.000000, 10000.0000
long_name: FOV surface altitude
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: surface_altitude
units: m
description: mean surface altitude wrt earth model over the FOV
cell_methods: area: mean (beam-weighted)
surf_alt_sdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 10000.0000
long_name: FOR surface altitude standard deviation
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: m
description: standard deviation of surface altitude within the FOR
AIRS_HDF_name: topog_err
cell_methods: area: standard_deviation (beam-weighted)
fov_surf_alt_sdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 10000.0000
long_name: FOV surface altitude standard deviation
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: m
description: standard deviation of surface altitude within the FOV
cell_methods: area: standard_deviation (beam-weighted)
sun_glint_lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44]
valid_range: -90.0000000, 90.0000000
long_name: sun glint latitude
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
description: sun glint spot latitude at scan_mid_time. Fill for night observations.
AIRS_HDF_name: glintlat
sun_glint_lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44]
valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
long_name: sun glint longitude
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
description: sun glint spot longitude at scan_mid_time. Fill for night observations.
AIRS_HDF_name: glintlon
sol_zen: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 180.000000
long_name: solar zenith angle
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: solar_zenith_angle
units: degree
description: solar zenith angle at the center of the spot
AIRS_HDF_name: solzen
sol_azi: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 360.000000
long_name: solar azimuth angle
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: solar_azimuth_angle
units: degree
description: solar azimuth angle at the center of the spot (clockwise from North)
AIRS_HDF_name: solazi
sun_glint_dist: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 30000000.0
long_name: sun glint distance
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: m
description: Distance from the center of the calculated sun glint spot to the center of the spot. Note that there may not be a glint for cloudy or land cases and in ocean cases the glint can move based on wind conditions. Fill for night observations.
AIRS_HDF_name: sun_glint_distance
view_ang: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 180.000000
long_name: view angle
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: sensor_view_angle
units: degree
description: off nadir pointing angle
AIRS_HDF_name: scanang
sat_zen: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 180.000000
long_name: satellite zenith angle
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: sensor_zenith_angle
units: degree
description: satellite zenith angle at the center of the spot
AIRS_HDF_name: satzen
sat_azi: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 360.000000
long_name: satellite azimuth angle
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: sensor_azimuth_angle
units: degree
description: satellite azimuth angle at the center of the spot (clockwise from North)
AIRS_HDF_name: satazi
sat_range: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 100000.000, 10000000.0
long_name: satellite range
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: m
description: line of sight distance between satellite and spot center
asc_flag: Array of Bytes [atrack = 0..44]
valid_range: 0, 1
long_name: ascending orbit flag
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat
_FillValue: 255
flag_values: 0, 1
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
description: ascending orbit flag: 1 if ascending, 0 descending
AIRS_HDF_name: scan_node_type
flag_meanings: descending ascending
subsat_lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44]
valid_range: -90.0000000, 90.0000000
long_name: sub-satellite latitude
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
description: sub-satellite latitude at scan_mid_time
AIRS_HDF_name: sat_lat
subsat_lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44]
valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
long_name: sub-satellite longitude
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
description: sub-satellite longitude at scan_mid_time
AIRS_HDF_name: sat_lon
scan_mid_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44]
valid_range: -2934835217.000000, 3376598410.000000
long_name: midscan TAI93
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat
_FillValue: 9.969209968386869e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 1993-01-01 00:00
description: TAI93 at middle of earth scene scans
AIRS_HDF_name: nadirTAI
sat_alt: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44]
valid_range: 100000.000, 1000000.00
long_name: satellite altitude
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
standard_name: altitude
units: m
description: satellite altitude with respect to earth model at scan_mid_time
AIRS_HDF_name: satheight
sat_pos: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][spatial = 0..2]
long_name: satellite position
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat spatial_lbl
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: m
description: satellite ECR position at scan_mid_time
sat_vel: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][spatial = 0..2]
long_name: satellite velocity
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat spatial_lbl
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: m s-1
description: satellite ECR velocity at scan_mid_time
sat_att: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][attitude = 0..2]
valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
long_name: satellite attitude
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat attitude_lbl
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: degree
description: satellite attitude at scan_mid_time. An orthogonal triad. First element is angle about the +x (roll) ORB axis. +x axis is positively oriented in the direction of orbital flight. Second element is angle about +y (pitch) ORB axis. +y axis is oriented normal to the orbit plane with the positive sense opposite to that of the orbit's angular momentum vector H. Third element is angle about +z (yaw) axis. +z axis is positively oriented Earthward parallel to the satellite radius vector R from the spacecraft center of mass to the center of the Earth.
local_solar_time: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 24.0000000
long_name: local apparent solar time
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: hours
description: local apparent solar time in hours from midnight
mean_anom_wrt_equat: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 360.000000
long_name: mean anomaly with respect to the equator
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: degree
description: spacecraft mean anomaly measured with respect to the ascending node
sat_sol_zen: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 180.000000
long_name: satellite solar zenith
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: degree
description: solar zenith angle at the satellite
sat_sol_azi: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 360.000000
long_name: satellite solar azimuth
coordinates: subsat_lon subsat_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: degree
description: solar azimuth angle at the satellite (clockwise from North)
asc_node_lon: 32 bit Real
valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
long_name: ascending node
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: degrees_east
description: Longitude of the last ascending node of spacecraft orbit before time_coverage_end.
AIRS_HDF_name: eq_x_longitude
asc_node_tai93: 64 bit Real
valid_range: -2934835217.000000, 3376598410.000000
long_name: ascending node time
_FillValue: 9.969209968386869e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: seconds since 1993-01-01 00:00
description: TAI93 time of the last ascending node of spacecraft orbit before time_coverage_end.
AIRS_HDF_name: eq_x_tai
asc_node_local_solar_time: 32 bit Real
valid_range: 0.00000000, 24.0000000
long_name: local apparent solar time at the ascending node
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: hours
description: local apparent solar time at the last ascending node before time_coverage_end in hours from midnight
solar_beta_angle: 32 bit Real
valid_range: -90.0000000, 90.0000000
long_name: beta angle
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: degree
description: Beta angle for the spacecraft orbit, determining the percentage of the orbit that the spacecraft is in direct sunlight.
attitude_lbl: Array of Strings [attitude = 0..2]
long_name: rotational direction
coverage_content_type: auxiliaryInformation
description: list of rotational directions (roll, pitch, yaw)
spatial_lbl: Array of Strings [spatial = 0..2]
long_name: spatial direction
coverage_content_type: auxiliaryInformation
description: list of spatial directions (X, Y, Z)
utc_tuple_lbl: Array of Strings [utc_tuple = 0..7]
long_name: UTC date/time parts
coverage_content_type: auxiliaryInformation
description: names of the elements of UTC when it is expressed as an array of integers year,month,day,hour,minute,second,millisecond,microsecond
air_temp: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres = 0..99]
ancillary_variables: air_temp_qc air_temp_err
valid_range: 100.000000, 400.000000
long_name: air temperature profile
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: air_temperature
units: Kelvin
description: air temperature profile
AIRS_HDF_name: TAirSup
cell_methods: area: mean
air_temp_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres = 0..99]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: air_temp QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: air_temperature status_flag
description: air_temp QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: TAirSup_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
air_temp_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres = 0..99]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: air_temp error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: air_temperature standard_error
units: Kelvin
description: air_temp error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: TAirSupErr
surf_air_temp: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: surf_air_temp_qc surf_air_temp_err
valid_range: 100.000000, 400.000000
long_name: near-surface temperature
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: air_temperature
units: Kelvin
description: near-surface air temperature (~2 meters above surface)
AIRS_HDF_name: TSurfAir
cell_methods: area: mean
surf_air_temp_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: surf_air_temp QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: air_temperature status_flag
description: surf_air_temp QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: TSurfAir_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
surf_air_temp_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: surf_air_temp error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: air_temperature standard_error
units: Kelvin
description: surf_air_temp error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: TSurfAirErr
air_temp_dof: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: Air temp DOFs
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: The trace of the averaging kernel matrix as a measure of the number of pieces of information about the air temperature profile provided by the physical retrieval step.
AIRS_HDF_name: Temp_dof
h2o_vap_tot: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: h2o_vap_tot_qc h2o_vap_tot_err
long_name: total water vapor
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: atmosphere_mass_content_of_water_vapor
units: kg / m2
description: total precipitable water vapor
AIRS_HDF_name: totH2OStd
cell_methods: area: mean
h2o_vap_tot_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: h2o_vap_tot QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: atmosphere_mass_content_of_water_vapor status_flag
description: h2o_vap_tot QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: totH2OStd_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
h2o_vap_tot_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
long_name: h2o_vap_tot error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: atmosphere_mass_content_of_water_vapor standard_error
units: kg / m2
description: h2o_vap_tot error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: totH2OStdErr
spec_hum: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
ancillary_variables: spec_hum_qc spec_hum_err
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: specific humidity
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: specific_humidity
units: kg / kg
description: mass fraction of water vapor in moist air
cell_methods: area: mean
spec_hum_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: spec_hum QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: specific_humidity status_flag
description: spec_hum QC flag
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
spec_hum_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: spec_hum error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: specific_humidity standard_error
units: kg / kg
description: spec_hum error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: H2OMMRLevSupErr
surf_spec_hum: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: surf_spec_hum_qc surf_spec_hum_err
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: surface specific humidity
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: specific_humidity
units: kg / kg
description: Near-surface mass fraction of water vapor in moist air
cell_methods: area: mean
surf_spec_hum_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: /temp
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: surf_spec_hum QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: specific_humidity status_flag
description: surf_spec_hum QC flag
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
surf_spec_hum_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: surf_spec_hum error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: specific_humidity standard_error
units: kg / kg
description: surf_spec_hum error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: H2OMMRSurfErr
h2o_vap_dof: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: Water vapor DOFs
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: The trace of the averaging kernel matrix as a measure of the number of pieces of information about the water vapor profile provided by the physical retrieval step.
AIRS_HDF_name: H2O_dof
rel_hum: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
ancillary_variables: rel_hum_qc rel_hum_err
valid_range: 0.00000000, 2.00000000
long_name: relative humidity profile
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: relative_humidity
units: 1
description: relative humidity over equilibrium phase
AIRS_HDF_name: RelHum (15 pressure levels)
cell_methods: area: mean
rel_hum_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: rel_hum QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: relative_humidity status_flag
description: rel_hum QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: RelHum_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
rel_hum_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: rel_hum error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: relative_humidity standard_error
units: 1
description: rel_hum error estimate
surf_rel_hum: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: surf_rel_hum_qc surf_rel_hum_err
valid_range: 0.00000000, 2.00000000
long_name: surface relative humidity
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: relative_humidity
units: 1
description: relative humidity near the surface over equilibrium phase
AIRS_HDF_name: RelHumSurf
cell_methods: area: mean
surf_rel_hum_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: surf_rel_hum QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: relative_humidity status_flag
description: surf_rel_hum QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: RelHumSurf_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
surf_rel_hum_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: surf_rel_hum error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: relative_humidity standard_error
units: 1
description: surf_rel_hum error estimate
spec_hum_sat_ice: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
ancillary_variables: spec_hum_sat_ice_qc spec_hum_sat_ice_err
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: saturation specific humidity over ice
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
units: kg / kg
description: saturation specific humidity in equilibrium with ice
AIRS_HDF_name: (AIRS had liquid and equilibrium phase, not ice)
cell_methods: area: mean
spec_hum_sat_ice_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: spec_hum_sat_ice QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
description: spec_hum_sat_ice QC flag
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
spec_hum_sat_ice_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: spec_hum_sat_ice error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: kg / kg
description: spec_hum_sat_ice error estimate
surf_spec_hum_sat_ice: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: surf_spec_hum_sat_ice_qc surf_spec_hum_sat_ice_err
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: surface saturation specific humidity over ice
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
units: kg / kg
description: Near-surface saturation specific humidity in equilibrium with ice
AIRS_HDF_name: (AIRS had liquid and equilibrium phase, not ice)
cell_methods: area: mean
surf_spec_hum_sat_ice_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: surf_spec_hum_sat_ice QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
description: surf_spec_hum_sat_ice QC flag
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
surf_spec_hum_sat_ice_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: surf_spec_hum_sat_ice error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: kg / kg
description: surf_spec_hum_sat_ice error estimate
spec_hum_sat_liq: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
ancillary_variables: spec_hum_sat_liq_qc spec_hum_sat_liq_err
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: saturation specific humidity over liquid
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
units: kg / kg
description: saturation specific humidity in equilibrium with liquid water
AIRS_HDF_name: H2OMMRSatLevStd_liquid
cell_methods: area: mean
spec_hum_sat_liq_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: spec_hum_sat_liq QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
description: spec_hum_sat_liq QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: H2OMMRSatLevStd_liquid_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
spec_hum_sat_liq_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: spec_hum_sat_liq error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: kg / kg
description: spec_hum_sat_liq error estimate
surf_spec_hum_sat_liq: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: surf_spec_hum_sat_liq_qc surf_spec_hum_sat_liq_err
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: surface saturation specific humidity over liquid
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
units: kg / kg
description: Near-surface saturation specific humidity in equilibrium with liquid water
AIRS_HDF_name: H2OMMRSatSurf_liquid
cell_methods: area: mean
surf_spec_hum_sat_liq_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: surf_spec_hum_sat_liq QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
description: surf_spec_hum_sat_liq QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: H2OMMRSatSurf_liquid_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
surf_spec_hum_sat_liq_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 200.000000
long_name: surf_spec_hum_sat_liq error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: kg / kg
description: surf_spec_hum_sat_liq error estimate
gp_hgt: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres = 0..99]
ancillary_variables: gp_hgt_qc gp_hgt_err
valid_range: -200.000000, 100000.000
long_name: geopotential height
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: geopotential_height
units: m
description: Geopotential is the sum of the specific gravitational potential energy relative to the geoid and the specific centripetal potential energy. Geopotential height is the geopotential divided by the standard acceleration due to gravity.
AIRS_HDF_name: GP_HeightSup
cell_methods: area: mean
gp_hgt_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres = 0..99]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: gp_hgt QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: geopotential_height status_flag
description: gp_hgt QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: GP_HeightSup_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
gp_hgt_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres = 0..99]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 10000.0000
long_name: gp_hgt error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: geopotential_height standard_error
units: m
description: gp_hgt error estimate
surf_gp_hgt: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: surf_gp_hgt_qc surf_gp_hgt_err
valid_range: -200.000000, 10000.0000
long_name: surface geopotential height
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: geopotential_height
units: m
description: geopotential height at the surface
AIRS_HDF_name: GP_Surface
cell_methods: area: mean
surf_gp_hgt_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: surf_gp_hgt QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: geopotential_height status_flag
description: surf_gp_hgt QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: GP_Surface_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
surf_gp_hgt_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 1000.00000
long_name: surf_gp_hgt error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: geopotential_height standard_error
units: m
description: surf_gp_hgt error estimate
o3_tot: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: o3_tot_qc o3_tot_err
long_name: total ozone
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: atmosphere_mass_content_of_ozone
units: kg m-2
description: Total column ozone. (Multiply by 4.670e5 to convert to Dobson Units from kg m^-2)
AIRS_HDF_name: totO3Std
cell_methods: area: mean
o3_tot_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: o3_tot QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: atmosphere_mass_content_of_ozone status_flag
description: o3_tot QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: totO3Std_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
o3_tot_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
long_name: o3_tot error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: atmosphere_mass_content_of_ozone standard_error
units: kg m-2
description: o3_tot error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: totO3StdErr
o3_mmr: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres = 0..99]
ancillary_variables: o3_mmr_qc o3_mmr_err
long_name: ozone MMR to dry air
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: mass_fraction_of_ozone_in_air
units: kg / kg
description: ozone mass mixing ratio to dry air
AIRS_HDF_name: O3mmrLevSup
cell_methods: area: mean
o3_mmr_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres = 0..99]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: o3_mmr QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: mass_fraction_of_ozone_in_air status_flag
description: o3_mmr QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: O3mmrLevSup_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
o3_mmr_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][air_pres = 0..99]
long_name: o3_mmr error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: mass_fraction_of_ozone_in_air standard_error
units: kg / kg
description: o3_mmr error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: O3mmrLevSupErr
o3_dof: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: Ozone DOFs
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: The trace of the averaging kernel matrix as a measure of the number of pieces of information about the ozone profile provided by the physical retrieval step.
AIRS_HDF_name: O3_dof
co_mmr_midtrop: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: co_mmr_midtrop_qc co_mmr_midtrop_err
long_name: CO midtroposphere MMR to dry air
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: mass_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air
units: kg / kg
description: Carbon monoxide mass mixing ratio to dry air at 50000 Pa, near the peak of sensitivity
cell_methods: area: mean
co_mmr_midtrop_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: co_mmr_midtrop QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: mass_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air status_flag
description: co_mmr_midtrop QC flag
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
co_mmr_midtrop_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
long_name: co_mmr_midtrop error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: mass_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air standard_error
units: kg / kg
description: co_mmr_midtrop error estimate
co_dof: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: Carbon Monoxide DOFs
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: The trace of the averaging kernel matrix as a measure of the number of pieces of information about the carbon monoxide profile provided by the physical retrieval step.
ch4_mmr_midtrop: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: ch4_mmr_midtrop_qc ch4_mmr_midtrop_err
long_name: CH4 midtroposphere MMR to dry air
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: mass_fraction_of_methane_in_air
units: kg / kg
description: Methane mass mixing ratio to dry air at 40000 Pa, near the peak of sensitivity
cell_methods: area: mean
ch4_mmr_midtrop_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: ch4_mmr_midtrop QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: mass_fraction_of_methane_in_air status_flag
description: ch4_mmr_midtrop QC flag
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
ch4_mmr_midtrop_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
long_name: ch4_mmr_midtrop error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: mass_fraction_of_methane_in_air standard_error
units: kg / kg
description: ch4_mmr_midtrop error estimate
ch4_dof: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: Methane DOFs
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: The trace of the averaging kernel matrix as a measure of the number of pieces of information about the methane profile provided by the physical retrieval step.
co2_dof: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: Carbon Dioxide DOFs
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: The trace of the averaging kernel matrix as a measure of the number of pieces of information about the carbon dioxide profile provided by the physical retrieval step.
n2o_dof: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: Nitrous Oxide DOFs
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: The trace of the averaging kernel matrix as a measure of the number of pieces of information about the nitrous oxide profile provided by the physical retrieval step.
hno3_dof: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: Nitric Acid DOFs
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: The trace of the averaging kernel matrix as a measure of the number of pieces of information about the nitric acid profile provided by the physical retrieval step.
so2_dof: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: Sulfur Dioxide DOFs
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: The trace of the averaging kernel matrix as a measure of the number of pieces of information about the sulfur dioxide profile provided by the physical retrieval step.
surf_temp: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: surf_temp_qc surf_temp_err
valid_range: 100.000000, 400.000000
long_name: surface skin temperature
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: surface_temperature
units: Kelvin
description: radiative temperature of the surface
AIRS_HDF_name: TSurfStd
cell_methods: area: mean
surf_temp_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: surf_temp QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: surface_temperature status_flag
description: surf_temp QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: TSurfStd_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
surf_temp_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
long_name: surf_temp error estimate
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: surface_temperature standard_error
units: Kelvin
description: surf_temp error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: TSurfStdErr
surf_temp_dof: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
long_name: Surface DOFs
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: The trace of the averaging kernel matrix as a measure of the number of pieces of information about the surface provided by the physical retrieval step.
surf_ir_emis: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][surf_wnum_ir = 0..99]
ancillary_variables: surf_ir_emis_qc surf_ir_emis_err
valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
long_name: IR surface emissivity
coordinates: lon lat surf_ir_wnum
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: surface_longwave_emissivity
units: 1
description: infrared surface emissivity
AIRS_HDF_name: emisIRStd
cell_methods: area: mean
surf_ir_emis_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][surf_wnum_ir = 0..99]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: surf_ir_emis QC
coordinates: lon lat surf_ir_wnum
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: surface_longwave_emissivity status_flag
description: surf_ir_emis QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: emisIRStd_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
surf_ir_emis_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][surf_wnum_ir = 0..99]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
long_name: surf_ir_emis error estimate
coordinates: lon lat surf_ir_wnum
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: surface_longwave_emissivity standard_error
units: 1
description: surf_ir_emis error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: emisIRStdErr
surf_ir_refl: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][surf_wnum_ir = 0..99]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
long_name: IR surface reflectivity
coordinates: lon lat surf_ir_wnum
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: surface_bidirectional_reflectance
units: 1
description: infrared surface reflectivity
AIRS_HDF_name: Effective_Solar_Reflectance
cell_methods: area: mean
surf_ir_refl_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][surf_wnum_ir = 0..99]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: IR surface reflectivity QC
coordinates: lon lat surf_ir_wnum
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: surface_bidirectional_reflectance status_flag
description: infrared surface reflectivity QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: Effective_Solar_Reflectance_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
surf_ir_wnum_cnt: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 1, 100
long_name: number of emissivities
coordinates: lon lat surf_ir_wnum
_FillValue: -32767
coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
units: 1
description: Number of infrared surface emissivity frequencies
surf_ir_wnum: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][surf_wnum_ir = 0..99]
valid_range: 500.000000, 3000.00000
long_name: surface emissivity frequencies
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: coordinate
standard_name: sensor_band_central_radiation_wavenumber
units: cm-1
description: Surface infrared emissivity frequencies (hinge points)
cld_frac: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][cld_lay = 0..1]
ancillary_variables: cld_frac_err cld_frac_qc num_cld
valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
long_name: cloud fraction
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat cld_lay_lbl
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer
units: 1
description: effective cloud fraction
AIRS_HDF_name: CldFrcStd
cell_methods: area: mean
cld_frac_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][cld_lay = 0..1]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 1.00000000
long_name: cloud fraction error estimate
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat cld_lay_lbl
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer standard_error
units: 1
description: effective cloud fraction error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: CldFrcStd_Err
cld_frac_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][cld_lay = 0..1]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: cloud fraction QC
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat cld_lay_lbl
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer status_flag
description: effective cloud fraction QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: CldFrcStd_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
cld_top_pres: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][cld_lay = 0..1]
ancillary_variables: cld_top_pres_err cld_top_pres_qc num_cld
valid_range: 1000.00000, 120000.000
long_name: cloud top pressure
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat cld_lay_lbl
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: pressure_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation
units: Pa
description: cloud top pressure in order of increasing pressure
AIRS_HDF_name: PCldTop
cell_methods: area: mean
cld_top_pres_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][cld_lay = 0..1]
valid_range: 100.000000, 12000.0000
long_name: cloud top pressure Qerror estimate
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat cld_lay_lbl
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: pressure_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation standard_error
units: 1
description: cloud top pressure error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: PCldTopErr
cld_top_pres_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][cld_lay = 0..1]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: cloud top pressure QC
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat cld_lay_lbl
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: pressure_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation status_flag
description: cloud top pressure QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: PCldTop_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
cld_top_temp: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][cld_lay = 0..1]
ancillary_variables: cld_top_temp_err cld_top_temp_qc num_cld
valid_range: 10.0000000, 1200.00000
long_name: cloud top temperature
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat cld_lay_lbl
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: air_temperature_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation
units: Kelvin
description: cloud top temperature
AIRS_HDF_name: TCldTop
cell_methods: area: mean
cld_top_temp_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][cld_lay = 0..1]
valid_range: 0.00999999978, 300.000000
long_name: cloud top temperature error estimate
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat cld_lay_lbl
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: air_temperature_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation standard_error
units: Kelvin
description: cloud top temperature error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: TCldTopErr
cld_top_temp_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8][cld_lay = 0..1]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: cloud top temperature QC
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat cld_lay_lbl
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: air_temperature_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation status_flag
description: cloud top temperature QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: TCldTop_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
num_cld: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
ancillary_variables: num_cld_qc
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: Number of cloud layers
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
units: 1
description: Number of cloud layers with nonzero cloud fraction
AIRS_HDF_name: nCld
flag_meanings: Clear 1_Layer 2_Layers
num_cld_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: num_cld QC
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
description: QC flag for number of cloud layers
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
tpause_gp_hgt: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: tpause_gp_hgt_qc
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100000.000
long_name: tropopause height
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: geopotential_height
units: m
description: tropopause geopotential height, where tropopause is determined according to the WMO definition
AIRS_HDF_name: GP_Tropopause
cell_methods: area: mean
tpause_gp_hgt_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: tpause_gp_hgt QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: geopotential_height status_flag
description: tpause_gp_hgt QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: GP_Tropopause_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
tpause_pres: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: tpause_pres_qc
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100000.000
long_name: tropopause pressure
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: tropopause_air_pressure
units: Pa
description: tropopause pressure, where tropopause is determined according to the WMO definition
AIRS_HDF_name: PTropopause
cell_methods: area: mean
tpause_pres_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: tpause_pres QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: geopotential_height status_flag
description: tpause_pres QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: PTropopause_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
tpause_temp: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
ancillary_variables: tpause_temp_qc
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100000.000
long_name: tropopause temperature
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
standard_name: tropopause_air_temperature
units: Kelvin
description: tropopause temperature, where tropopause is determined according to the WMO definition
AIRS_HDF_name: T_Tropopause
cell_methods: area: mean
tpause_temp_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: tpause_temp QC
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: geopotential_height status_flag
description: tpause_temp QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: T_Tropopause_QC
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
ir_precip_est_24hr: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
ancillary_variables: ir_precip_est_24hr_qc ir_precip_est_24hr_err
valid_range: 0.00000000, 10000.0000
long_name: IR precipitation estimate
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: modelResult
standard_name: lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount
units: m
description: The thickness of a layer of liquid water equivalent to the estimated preciptitation over 24 hours.
AIRS_HDF_name: IR_Precip_Est3x3
cell_methods: area: mean
ir_precip_est_24hr_err: Array of 32 bit Reals [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 10000.0000
long_name: ir_precip_est_24hr error estimate
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount standard_error
units: m
description: ir_precip_est_24hr error estimate
AIRS_HDF_name: IR_Precip_Est3x3_Err
cell_methods: area: mean
ir_precip_est_24hr_qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29][fov = 0..8]
valid_range: 0, 2
long_name: ir_precip_est_24hr QC
coordinates: fov_lon fov_lat
_FillValue: -127
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
standard_name: lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount status_flag
description: ir_precip_est_24hr QC flag
AIRS_HDF_name: IR_Precip_Est3x3_QC
cell_methods: area: mean
flag_meanings: Best Good Do_Not_Use
air_pres_nsurf: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 1, 100
long_name: surface level
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -32767
coverage_content_type: modelResult
standard_name: model_level_number
units: 1
description: Index in air_pres of the level at the surface. Values at levels beyond this are invalid, representing data below the Earth's surface.
AIRS_HDF_name: nSurfSup
air_pres_h2o_nsurf: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 1, 66
long_name: surface level
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -32767
coverage_content_type: modelResult
standard_name: model_level_number
units: 1
description: Index in air_pres_h2o of the level at the surface. Values at levels beyond this are invalid, representing data below the Earth's surface.
air_pres_lay_nsurf: Array of 16 bit Integers [atrack = 0..44][xtrack = 0..29]
valid_range: 1, 100
long_name: surface layer
coordinates: lon lat
_FillValue: -32767
coverage_content_type: modelResult
standard_name: model_level_number
units: 1
description: Index in air_pres_lay of the layer at the surface. Values for layers beyond this are invalid, representing data below the Earth's surface.
AIRS_HDF_name: nSurfSup
air_pres: Array of 32 bit Reals [air_pres = 0..99]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 120000.000
long_name: pressure levels
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: coordinate
standard_name: air_pressure
axis: Z
units: Pa
description: pressure levels
air_pres_h2o: Array of 32 bit Reals [air_pres_h2o = 0..65]
valid_range: 0.00000000, 120000.000
long_name: H2O pressure levels
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
coverage_content_type: coordinate
standard_name: air_pressure
axis: Z
units: Pa
description: H2O vapor pressure levels
air_pres_lay: Array of 32 bit Reals [air_pres_lay = 0..99]
long_name: Mid-layer pressures
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
bounds: air_pres_lay_bnds
coverage_content_type: coordinate
standard_name: air_pressure
axis: Z
units: Pa
description: pressure at the middle of each layer
air_pres_lay_bnds: Array of 32 bit Reals [air_pres_lay = 0..99][bnds_1d = 0..1]
long_name: Pressure layer boundaries
_FillValue: 9.96920997e+36
units: Pa
description: Min and max pressure of each layer
cld_lay_lbl: Array of Strings [cld_lay = 0..1]
long_name: Cloud layer
coverage_content_type: auxiliaryInformation
description: Cloud layer {top, bottom}